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By Karolin K. Kroening,Renee N. Easter,Douglas D. Richardson,Stuart A. Willison,Joseph A. Caruso

This booklet describes nerve brokers and vesicants, their decomposition and their degradation items' chemistry in addition to their toxicity together with an inventory of detection thoughts of nerve brokers and their degradation items. This e-book will current their historical past, toxicity, comparability among varied pattern guidance equipment, separation suggestions, and detection equipment all jointly in a quick, effortless to learn e-book, tied jointly by way of a unmarried workforce doing the writing and the modifying to guarantee gentle transition from bankruptcy to bankruptcy, with enough Tables and literature references for the reader who seems to extra detail.The textual content will illustrate the pluses and minuses of some of the strategies with adequate references for the reader to acquire broad detail.

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Analysis of Chemical Warfare Degradation Products by Karolin K. Kroening,Renee N. Easter,Douglas D. Richardson,Stuart A. Willison,Joseph A. Caruso

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